Monthly Healing Sessions
Full moon time somatic meditations, journeys and rituals
These virtual healing sessions offer a chance to deepen one’s own somatic practice.
Facilitated by Brigit Viksnins (unless otherwise noted), for practitioners and advanced clients of somatic work.
Upcoming Dates and Themes:
All sessions take place at 2pm Eastern
Feb 14th, 2025 The Magic of the Tides, with Joseph Saine
Mar 14th, 2025 Gentle Somatic Route to Detox
Apr 11th, 2025 Freeze Rehab, Resurrection Practice, with Joseph Saine
May 11th, 2025 Brain Rehab, Tidal Cranial Motility
June 8th, 2025 Micro-Flight Practice, Escape Rehab
July 13th, 2025 Visiting Intimacy, with Joseph Saine
Aug 10th, 2025 Visceral Biodynamic Motility
Sept 5th, 2025 Micro-Fight Practice, Push or Kill Rehab, with Joseph Saine
Oct 5th, 2025 Into the Light/Beyond the Veil
Nov 7th, 2025 Radical Listening
Dec 7th, 2025 Divine Feminine Demanifestation
Frequently Asked Questions
Why would I attend these?
Healthy relationship with each of these subjects balances one, and also brings more life energy. Sometimes it seems that we have some part of ourselves missing, and usually it is orienting to a trauma or leftover speed or heaviness from history. That's depleting.
If you haven’t had a chance to metabolize a trauma, that can bind your life energy, and create any variety of symptoms. The clarity and abundance of your health can grow when there is order in your physical and metaphysical life. Your capacity for self-regulation and co-regulation grows. Life gets easier.
For whom are these sessions?
These sessions are designed for practitioners and experienced clients of somatic healing. Most people attracted to Alchemical Alignment are energetically sensitive empaths, practitioners working with clients, ready to deepen into the metaphysical aspects of interactive mental and physical therapies. Some of our offerings may be appropriate for a more varied audience. Please come if you feel you are a match, and if your intuition is whispering yes to you, or tugging you in this direction.
Why would I want to come to all of these?
There are benefits to deepening into each subject. Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit, including Secure Attachment Rehab, can be seen as a life path. As you commit to it, more of your skills and talents become available to you, at greater depths with every decade.
What if I need more support than the session gives me?
Please turn to your trusted practitioners, or look to the ones on our assistants' list, or our list of grads. If this is a long-term issue, please find yourself long-term support.
Is this for me if I am in crisis?
No, you’d want to be working with stabilization only, until your capacity grows for attending a session like this.
Why might there be Latvian songs?
Latvian is as old as Sanskrit. You might be more familiar with chants and songs sung in other languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Latin… The old, light-filled languages act on the subconscious, deepening one’s ability to access spaces and experiences beyond the veils, or deep inside.
What if I have very different spiritual practices than what you will offer?
Great, congratulations that you do, you can weave them into the sessions, creating your own spiritual blend. That is very welcome, and even makes your experience stronger, so is highly recommended.
How should I prepare?
How would you prepare for a ritual? You would treat the event with respect: you might wear something other than everyday clothing. If you were hosting it at your own place, you might have some special food and drink, flowers, crystals or photos. Start there, and feel for what else your intuition suggests.
Will I be seen?
Not if you don't want to be. You can keep your audio and video off the whole time.
How to integrate afterwards?
To support yourself in metabolizing deep or precious internal experiences, writing about them in a journal, making art, or speaking with a dear friend brings the information to different areas of your brain and heart, and adult conscious self. You might choose to share a sentence or two in the session itself - this benefits all.
What if I want to go deeper?
Please join us in the Alchemical Alignment training program, if you are a healthcare or healing practitioner.
Will I receive a recording? What about refunds?
No, please treat this like a live ritual at a sacred site or in the forest, where you would deepen in and participate in present time. If you can't make a live concert, theatre, or movie, you won't get a refund or recording, same with this. Maintain Alignment members have access to the monthly session recording for a limited time.