Alchemical Alignment Professional Training

An advanced somatic training for sensitive
and intuitive healing practitioners

We work at the intersection of body, spirit, science, and mystery.

Trauma Resolution & Embodiment of Spirit 

If you’ve been studying and practicing healing/helping work for some time and are ready to deepen your embodied understanding of what might be possible in somatic healing, welcome. 

You already know that with any present time challenge your clients bring to a session you’re often working with imprints of undigested life experience, outdated inherited threat responses, and/or internalized collective or systemic difficulties -  the past time threats which once overwhelmed limit access to available resources and create difficulty in the body.

We’ve learned over decades of experience working with clients, and through study across bodywork and spiritual modalities, that patterns of fight/flight/freeze/appease are only part of the story. 

Alchemical Alignment brings a potent paradigm shift towards simplicity and efficiency to the world of trauma resolution and embodiment of spirit. 

The subtle yet profound practices of this course will expand your perceptual capacities, fill in the missing pieces of your embodied understanding of somatic healing, and offer you leading edge skills to weave into the training you already have.

We wait…

Until the body brings unfinished issues to the foreground to transmute them. We welcome the whole person as past difficulties arise and rely on embodied practitioner skills to create the conditions that allow for resolution - integration or completion of the outdated pattern. This can be done in quantum leaps (safe, consensual, catalytic work) or in small, doable bits over time. 

And then…

As threat responses are completed and unmet needs are met, after a certain amount of trauma resolution, we witness "Embodiment of Spirit." It’s possible for clients to feel areas of physical and emotional pain and tension melt away and experience boundary and relational field repair. Some report inner awakenings, like a repair of sensory awareness, feeling the body balancing itself, empty parts filling in, or disappeared parts returning.

Others find a connection with their Higher Self, more insight, spiritual awareness, compassion and clarity; finding their voice; and/or receive blessings and support from the ancestral field. 

This and more are possible as you support your clients to consistently access the places where experiences of being and belonging are realigned with a blueprint of life.

Join us if you are on the path to becoming more resonant, embodied, empowered, and are interested in the art, magic, and science of this kind of practice.

Modalities that inform AlchAlmt include:

  • Aikido

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

  • Polarity- and PPN-based Body into Being

  • Family Constellations

  • Bodywork, manual therapies

  • Nurturing Resilience Touch Skills Training

The not-so-small print:

The training is recommended for practitioners with an active practice, who have done a fair amount of personal work, developed some resilience, and are ready for a deeper somatic exploration, attunement, and skills.  

Classes include an updated, nuanced, and holistic approach to trauma theory, experiential practice, exchanges in dyads or triads, the practice of "The Alignment Sequence™" a mindful embodiment ritual movement meditation, as well as guided embodiment meditations. 

Homework invitations include regular meditation, movement, readings, peer exchanges, receiving professional sessions, giving practice sessions, and attending either Integration Circles, or individual supervision to support the embodiment of the work. 

  • For your comfort, you will want a foundation in some skill before you come to this intermediate to advanced-level class, whether it is mindfulness, intentional work, self-development, bodywork, or other therapeutic skills. Stillness and movement practices, and high-level self care greatly enhance your learning.

  • This training should not be considered individual or group therapy or a process workshop, or a place for conflict resolution, or supervision (even though each of those may happen along the way). We ask each person to have an adult practitioner self available to meet themselves and others.  While some support is available during the training, we recommend that you come with many layers of support, including your own trusted therapeutic practitioners.

  • Each participant will be asked to continue to work within the scope of their current practice and local laws. Our scope of practice includes present time felt sense and image. This is not a regressive therapy. This training, while thorough, does not license participants to have a touch practice, or to call themselves trauma experts.

  • This course is full of theory and practical tools for private practice - it is not intended to teach a foundation of business skills or practice development.

  • All practice work in class will be done with bodies clothed, while standing, seated, or lying down. The online training has virtual contact practice, and the in-person training can include touch.

  • This somatic training is appropriate for practitioners working with the health of the body, mind, and/or spirit.  

  • The training can feel rigorous, thus you would want to come with a certain amount of resilience, as well as enough time for practicing the work between classes.

If you're interested in the program and have questions before applying, you can schedule a 20 minute call with one of our current First Year faculty members.

Explore the Curriculum

Modules 1 - 3 Online, or Levels 1 - 2 In Person:

Begin to develop the resilient practitioner presence, capacity, and stability needed to practice trauma resolution work efficiently and sustainably. Learn to recognize trauma imprints and how to create conditions to meet places in the injured relational field that may have previously been inaccessible.

Foundations of Health

The Alchemist’s Relational Field

Begin to cultivate the internal practitioner awareness, stability, attuned pacing, and relational skills needed to meet danger and safety issues in clients. Introduction to the 7 Realms of the Body Security System.

Creating Conditions for Transmutation

Deepen into the 7 Realms and additional maps of the Body Security System. Learn about the 7 Waves of nervous system expression. Receive an introduction to sequencing, boundary repair, and the expression of the inherent intelligence of the body.  Begin to meet, reregulate, and transform post-traumatic physiology patterns within yourself and others with subtle yet powerful exercises.

The Mystery of the Valiant Protectors

Explore how the intelligence of the body can hold unfinished threat responses and unmet needs in the joints and diaphragms.  Experience relating with the extremities as portals to previously inaccessible somatic zones. Begin to differentiate categories of health and threat responses.. 

“After two decades of personal development work, workshops, retreats, psychotherapy, bodywork, I can finally say that I've arrived into my body and into my life. This would be enough, but I've also received fabulous new skills to transmit this experience to others, should I choose to. It was unbelievably rich, sweet, and welcoming. I've never been around someone or something this coherent and integrated. It is ripe and exquisite.”

Modules 4 - 7 Online, or Levels 3 - 4 In Person:

Learn to mend the gaps in the weave created by trauma imprints. Build capacity to meet higher levels of intensity and subtlety of imprinted and embodied dysregulation patterns held at the core. Explore details of reclaiming the buried treasure of frozen health and power held in place by threat response patterns. 

Advanced Trauma Resolution Skills and Embodiment Practices

The Quest for the Dragons of Health

Begin to develop the capacity needed to meet waves of sympathetic mobilization (fight & flight) in yourself and clients. Learn how to support the resolution of outdated body security system default settings of danger (neuroception). Deepen your understanding of optimal and dissonant expressions of the complexity of the social nervous system (ventral vagal; please & appease).  Develop skills to meet and transform double bind patterns that can arise in threat responses. 

Reclaiming Core Presence

Explore three aspects of the midline/central channel of the embodied Self. Learn skills for reregulation of orienting physiology. Learn how to offer appropriate accompaniment to those held in these historical threat response patterns. Explore a map of the phases of tidal body experiences of returning to wholeness from the physical to the embodied cosmic. 

The Alchemist in the Multiverse

Explore the multidimensional possibilities of Self through the fascia, fluid, and visceral organs of the belly (dorsal vagal).  Clarify and differentiate time, space, and subject in order to allow for the emergence of the more deeply embodied Self. Receive details about Blueprints of Health. Deepen your understanding of boundary repair, trauma imprints, and trauma categories.

The Compass of the Heart

Develop and refine skills for meeting held polyrhythmic, polyvagal somatic patterns after intense or inescapable conditions. Explore the thoracic sphere and its contents - the heart, and mediastinum. Witness what is possible through continued attunement of the present time aligned self. Explore quantum leaps of experience and how to cultivate a sustainable business over time that allows you to bring your version of this work forward in the world.   

Modules 8 - 14: Somatic Death Imprints in Life,
and Early Timeline: Conception and Birth

Optional Second Year with Brigit Viksnins after completion of M1-7 Online or L1-4 In Person.

Modules 8 - 11

Become curious about how to resurrect a Self by inquiring into Hot and/or Cold Double Binds seemingly eternally mired in somatically-held states of deadness. Join us for four Modules exploring challenge vs trauma, and skill development for somatic imprints left by (near) death of others and (near) death in self, at various ages. Learn theory and practical skills for rewriting foundational life-altering set points left in place by life-threatening, inescapable circumstances. Learn Time, Space, Self, and Subject Rehab.

Modules 12 - 14

Light re-conception of self might not be possible the first time you bring your best skills to the health as well as the (near) death at points along the early timeline. Join us for three Modules exploring somatic blueprints and tools to reach imprints from preconception through gestation to post-birth, where we reach existential and survival-level post-traumatic physiology. Hone your jedi-like, compassionate presence, somatic and metaphysical skills, developing Creation and Reality Rehab abilities.

Sometimes as a practitioner it can be a very lonely journey. Alchemical Alignment training helped me to ground my work and lay a new and more stable foundation. I experience more ease in my sessions and I feel more connected to others who are doing similar work. It’s a great environment to grow and expand and become more of who you truly are.

  • Teacher: Kimberly Clark

    “I've really enjoyed learning from Kimberly,
    both in Alchemical Alignment and in her Developmental Primary Reflex classes.
    She has a unique way of making dense,
    potentially activating material very accessible and neutral.
    Kimberly creates a learning environment that is safe, welcoming, fun, and rich with knowledge and skill. If you are considering taking her training,
    I highly recommend it!”
    - student

  • Teacher: Tele Darden

    (Pausing 24-25, BIPOC/PGM Cohort 25-26)
    Tele, with rich experience in bodywork, ethics, business,
    metaphysical study, coaching, art therapy, and more,
    will always be the first teacher I trusted to lead the First Year
    of the Alchemical Alignment training program,
    so that I could move my focus to Death and Birth Module development. I will forever be grateful for her holding this catalytic position, at first with Ladan Nabet, so the program could grow.
    Thank you, Tele.
    with appreciation, Brigit

  • Teacher: Joseph Saine

    “Joseph is an amazing, humble human,
    whose youthful curiosity, extensive education,
    obvious skill from practice,
    and ageless wisdom blend into
    a fabulous mix for teaching healing somatic work.” - a student

  • Teacher: Gisele Silva

    Gisele's passion for Alchemical Alignment
    has led her to participate in countless trainings on our teams.
    She regularly receives heartfelt gratitude
    from participants for her direct, yet caring, instruction.
    Bringing the work to her homeland, Brazil, evolves our global contribution to its next level, starting with the task of translating the essence of the practice, transmuting it into a local practice. Please help us wish her the best! Brigit

  • Teacher: Kimberly Clark

    “Kimberly holds the classroom field with joy,
    respect and attunement.
    Her teaching enriches students: her style is full of humor,
    practical and theoretical knowledge,
    and personal stories from working in the field.
    Her stories demonstrate course material and give students real life examples of how Alchemical Alignment dances
    in both life and in practice as a practitioner.
    I highly recommend joining any class taught by Kimberly!” - a student

  • Teacher: Joseph Saine

    “Joseph’s skillful, attuned and caring demeanor are
    deeply felt in his teaching style. His often poetic word choice can gently fall on a nervous system like snowflakes on a leaf while simultaneously wrapping students with swaths of warmth, a balm for the spirit.
    Joseph leads with consent,
    invitation to participate, and immense love.
    He is a knowledgeable teacher of Alchemical Alignment and the Biodynamic Craniosacral field. I highly recommend joining a class taught by Joseph. You will leave enriched!” - a student

Student Program Feedback

“I have taken this course multiple times over a few years, and each time I am blown away by the depth and usefulness to both my private practice and my life. This course can transform your understanding of your own history, your relationships, and the world. I highly recommend it to any therapist longing to truly practice with the whole person.”

“100% recommendation.”

“I always highly recommend this series to any bodyworker I know who is interested in trauma work. I tell them how much personal growth I experienced from the experiential sessions the first time I took the class, how much great information is conveyed, and that I felt confident to start working with trauma clients after taking the classes.”

“Fascinating information and exploration.”

I feel different. I am very aware that the Alchemical Alignment class is first and foremost about MY alchemical process, rather than simply (or only) learning about techniques to bring home to my professional work. I am the work, the process..… the transformation. I feel like I have radically yet subtly changed. There is a different and significant feeling of peace, joy and embodiment that I am experiencing. Gratitude is filling my heart.

“Alchemical Alignment is life-changing. It truly brings you into alignment, while allowing you space to heal and grow your own practitioner skills. It's a must for anyone wanting to work with trauma, while continuing to heal themselves. In the training I experience a softening into myself and a newfound ability to slow down. In this space I was able to receive more from the universe, create better energetic boundaries, and tap into new channeling abilities.”

Not sure if Alchemical Alignment is for you?
Check out the following resources to get to know us better.