Stepping out of the Trauma Field
with Rev. Paulette Robinson, PhD
In this series of 6 classes, we will explore Emily Waymire’s map of the self at a basic level.
This course is anchored in a somatic approach. It disentangles the trauma field from a generative field of growth and movement. Each of these fields are made up of other specific elements of the self each anchored in its own larger field. The map makes it possible to step out of the trauma field into the generative field using a systems constellation approach.
This experiential class offers a supportive Alchemical Alignment container for beginners and experienced practitioners alike to deepen their understanding of somatic trauma and its release using an energetic systems approach. Demonstrations and small group experiences will be the main teaching methods.
Some of the topics covered are:
· Sensing and clearing your personal field
· Using a map to disentangle trauma fields
· Experiencing the difference between a trauma field and a generative field
· Using systems constellation tool to move between fields
· Exploring experientially the self in terms of a core wound, core trauma strategies, core self, core essence, and the witness.
· Putting each of the pieces together as a whole and experiencing the healing movement between them and the trauma fields.
This course can be taken as a stand-alone or works well as an adjunct to Alchemical Alignment courses. It will offer another deeper view of trauma through a disentangled self.
Classes are recorded, participants will receive limited time access to recordings.
Systems constellation techniques can help clients represent and disentangle trauma. Trauma can be viewed in smaller doable pieces outside of the client’s inner trauma storm. To step outside the trauma and see the pieces from an adult core self or the witness offers a way to have some relief from the emotional pain and a new view on its causes.
From Paulette:
"I was inspired to teach this class because of the profound personal experiences of complex trauma release I experienced for myself and with clients.”
Click on this image for Paulette’s Field Clearing Meditation:
What people are saying:
“I had the joy of participating in one of Paulette Robinson’s courses I cannot express how life changing this time was to me. Paulette is a gifted wisdom teacher & extraordinary facilitator. She has a tremendous heart and welcomes participants wherever you are on your journey while honoring diverse backgrounds. She is a shamanic practitioner with expertise & experience in a wide variety of traditions & practices. I’m most grateful for the many gifts of this course.” Elizabeth Hyland
Series Dates and Times: Mondays, April 7- May 12, 2025. 12-2:30 pm Eastern Time
Training Cost: $300, $400, OR $500 for the series. In order to register please choose one of the links below.
A refund will be available until 3 weeks prior to the first class. After that, no refund will be available.
Location: internationally available, online.
Tuition and Registration: Stepping Out of the Trauma Field tuition is on sliding scale pricing which offers financial accessibility to those who need it and a chance for those with financial stability to practice redistribution. Inspired by Alexis J. Cunningfolk’s writing on sliding scale pricing. If the scholarship tuition is prohibitive and you would like to take the class, please inquire directly to Paulette to see if there are any scholarships left.
*These categories are general and not meant to describe the nuances of each person's experience with money and privilege. Please follow your best guidance in self-determining what tuition category fits best.
Scholarship Tuition
$300 USD upfront
*$100 USD X 3 months
The Scholarship Tuition is discounted. Consider if this price is for you if paying standard tuition would be significant or stressful because you have difficulty accessing resources and meeting basic needs takes up most of your budget. This is especially for people who are of the global majority (POC), LGBTQIA+, working class, disabled, neurodivergent, or immigrants.
Standard Tuition
$400 USD upfront
*$135 USD X 3 months
The Standard Tuition is the actual cost of the course. Consider this price if you are able to meet your basic needs and have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this class may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
Redistribution Tuition
$500 USD upfront
*$167 USD x 3 months
The Redistribution Tuition allows you to help cover the tuition cost of your peers who have less. Consider if this price is for you if you are comfortably able to meet all of your basic needs and have expendable income. This is especially for property-owners/high-end renters, white, cis, able-bodied, settler, university educated people, or if you have investments / a retirement-fund.
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Meet Your Instructor
Paulette Robinson PhD
Paulette Robinson combines a variety of energetic techniques which provides clients with a broad wholistic healing approach. She is a skilled shaman with over 25 years of experience. She combines her shamanic healing techniques of energy clearing (individual and places), de-possession, divination, protection and soul retrieval with experience in somatic trauma release (alchemical alignment), psychic and medium abilities, chakra energy work, ancestral healing through family systems constellations, past life regression as well as personal life, senior, and spiritual coaching. She is a recognized minister with the Circle for the Sacred Earth Church and the Order of Melchizedek. More testimonials on her website.
More Student Feedback
💐 I have found Paulette’s work, which includes facilitating Constellations, to be a powerful tool in meeting deep places of healing that I may not have accessed on my own. Her growing capacity of working with Fields, combined with awareness of holding a neutral place, opens up possibilities that make her Constellation work quite potent to experience.