Somatic Tools for
Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit

Training, community, and support for sensitive healing practitioners and advanced clients of somatic work.

Our New Book and Upcoming Events!

  • The Map of Seven Realms Book!

    Melting Freeze
    at the Dawn of the Golden Age

  • Our Next Somatic Healing Session

    Freeze Rehab Resurrection Practice with Joseph Saine
    April 11, 2025 2 pm ET

What is Alchemical Alignment?

Alchemical Alignment® is a healing modality that weaves together the wisdom of many traditions with modern neuroscience in order to offer personal, ancestral, and collective healing. It centers choice, and a pace that allows clients to access their own inherent embodied knowing.

Practitioner Training

Alchemical Alignment is a heart- and soul-based experiential somatic work training with a solid theoretical base. Learn principles and practices for interactive, virtual and hands-on, non-verbal and verbal health, fight, flight, freeze, and double bind work. 

Classes include "The Alignment Sequence™," a mindful embodiment ritual movement meditation, as well as guided seated meditations, experiential exercises for dyads, triads, and more. Openings in fall cohorts.

“Alchemical Alignment is life-changing. It truly brings you into alignment, while allowing you space to heal and grow your own practitioner skills. It's a must for anyone wanting to work with trauma, while continuing to heal themselves.”

Alchemical Alignment 101

A six week introductory course to the foundational theory and practices that shape Alchemical Alignment.

The Magic of
the Tides

Taught by Joseph Saine

2024: Nov 10, Nov 24, Dec 15
2025: Jan 12, Feb 23, Mar 9, Apr 6

A series of seven classes exploring working with Biodynamics and Quantum Coherence in Somatic Landscapes.

Developmental Primary Reflexes

Taught by Kimberly Clark

October 24th -27th, 2024 in person
or February 6-9, 2025 online

A 4 day workshop about the role Developmental Primary Reflexes play in protection and survival beyond infancy and into adulthood.

Feldenkrais for Melting Freeze

Taught by Alison Babil

Next series: Jan 22nd/29th, ongoing:
taught in six week intervals

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons to meet and transform habitual patterns of tension and freeze.

Stepping Out of the Trauma Field

Taught by Paulette Robinson

April 7 - May 12

A series of four classes exploring working with Emily Waymire’s map, finding relief through a systemic constellations perspective shift.

Dancing with
Quantum Fields: The Basics

Taught by Paulette Robinson

January 7- February 25

A series of eight classes to deepen our relationship with the holographic toroidal fields of our natural design.

The Alignment

An embodiment movement meditation to help you reclaim, or create anew, somatic presence and a range of resonance.

Find a Practitioner

Explore our list of graduates practicing modalities ranging from psychotherapy and bodywork to energy work, and more.

Colleagues Online

Maintain Alignment is our professional gathering space hosting weekly and monthly events.

Click on an image to view the AlchAlmt Instagram page:

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